2017 Summer GOALS

2017 Summer GOALS

Thursday June 1st, I kick off the View 112 Summer of Business Reading Challenge. My group is going to read and discuss 3 books that will leave us better in our business lives by the end of summer. This got me thinking about other things I want to accomplish during this time period. Soon I will be doing a Q2 review post/podcast and prepping for Q3, but I want to set goals specific to my favorite time of year: SUMMER!

  1. Summer Streak (Writing Goals): I got this idea from Runner’s World Magazine. They have a challenge for people to run 1 mile per day everyday between Memorial Day and Labor Day which is 99 days. From what I’ve read in the past about these short streaks, they are pretty helpful. For example, Runner’s World Magazine also had a challenge to run at least 1 mile per day from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day to encourage people to have a fit holiday season. The reviews and feedback during and after the streak from people doing the challenge were all positive. Most people who remained committed did appreciate the habit building experience. Knowing they needed to run that mile no matter what proved to be helpful. People ran in airports waiting for delayed or cancelled flights. People ran with their families before or after gatherings and dinners. I would like to apply this same strategy to writing this summer. I’m going to do a writing streak between Memorial Day and Labor Day of writing a minimum of 300 words per day. I expect to benefit from a daily writing habit. No pressure to post, not rhyme or reason, just shut up and write. Let’s see what kind of writer I will be in about 100 days.

  2. Summer Savings: I just picked up the book You are a BADASS at Making Money by Jen Sincero. If I’m honest, my financial goals are pretty limited. I just want to purchase a new spot when my lease is up next year in April. I have about a year to put myself in the best position to make that happen. I’m pretty good at finding ways to make money, but I need to do better saving and managing money. Especially as I acquire more money, I don’t want to blow it. Probably like most of us, money management is one of the things I think (read agonize) about regularly. I’m blessed to be gainfully employed and building a writing business. I’m grateful I can pay all of my bills and still have disposable income for creature comforts and little luxuries. Still, I know I am not maximizing my full potential when it comes to money management and financial freedom. My goal is to save $100 per week. With 14 weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day, that’s $1400 bucks. I’m going to add this money into the business account I just opened a few weeks ago.

  3. Summer Wellness: In the 2017 Q1 Review, I discuss my goal to see a therapist and work on my mental health. Since then, many people ask me why I think I need to see a therapist. Well truth is, I stress about a lot of things. In fact, I can analyze situations to a paralyzing fault. Additionally, I carry a lot of guilt and regret about the past. While I don’t think I’m stuck in the past, I certainly am great at reminding myself over and over of the major failures of my life. I need to work through letting things go. I can forgive other people, but I’m terrible to myself when it comes to making mistakes. Because of this, I’m not as fearless as I want to be in life and business. I anticipate making the “big mistake” I will add to the list of other “big mistakes” in my life, stall out, or sabotage things all together. I need to push through this. I think seeing a therapist will help me do the mental work. I’ve read over and over again about the value and benefits of meditation, particularly for people like me who are tightly wound, anxious, and over worked. I want to find the balance between being grateful for all I have while building to be better. Since I’m already building my life and business to higher heights, I want to be able to enjoy the journey for once in addition to the rewards that will undoubtedly come. I’d like to chronicle my wellness journey this summer (mind and body).

These are all deliberate goals I’ve set from myself, but I have one more.  It’s hard to articulate but essentially, I want to enjoy an amazing summer adventure. I don’t know what that means other than I want to do or experience something this summer that will get me out of my comfort zone and stretch me in ways that I can't think or imagine. Seems weird but I don’t know what that is.  All I can say is that I will be looking and preparing for that opportunity. I have friends that want me to do everything from kayaking to skydiving. Again I’m not sure sure what I’m going to do but I want Summer 2017 to be epic. I’ll keep you updated on my journey throughout the summer.  Be on the lookout for live podcasts and blog posts on many of the updates. What about you? Are you a sun seeker, thrill seeker, goal getter or all of those rolled into one? Have you considered goals for Summer 2017?

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