She Was Warned...

She Was Warned...

Yesterday during a Senate hearing on the the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to US Attorney General, Senator Elizabeth Warren was reading a letter pinned by civil rights leader Coretta Scott King.  The letter was written in 1986 by Coretta Scott King in opposition to the confirmation of Jeff Sessions to the federal district court in Alabama.  Mid way into the reading of the letter, Senator Warren was silenced and forced to take her seat in violation of Rule 19 essentially saying Warren was disgracing another Senator.  Senator Warren's response: "I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate in the United States Senate".  Well Senator Warren, so am I.  What toxic, disgusting times in our government.  That rule was put into place to ensure the professionalism of the senate and to now have it utilized in this manner is executing the opposite of that intent.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doubled down on his shut down of Senator Warren stating "She was warned.  She was given an explanation. Nevertheless she persisted."  May we all live our lives in such a manner that someone says this about us.  We all should speak out, do research and be passionate about the things that are important to us.  As we are speaking out on our beliefs, may we persist when others try to silence us.  Bravo Senator Warren who actually kept it moving to social media where she shared her experience, argument, and the Coretta Scott King letter.

Old Enough to Know Better

Old Enough to Know Better

No Time To Read?

No Time To Read?